Access to the practice
Eurocare Medical Center

Would you like to know how to get to the Eurocare Medical Center Park in Brussels?

Located at Square Frère-Orban 7, 1000 Brussels, it is easily accessible by car and public transport:

  • by car:Interparking "Industrie" via Rue de l'Industrie 26-38, B-1040 Brussels ; Interparking "Loi" via Rue de la Loi 19, B-1040 Brussels ;
  • by metro: 350m from Arts-Loi metro station (metro lines 1, 2, 5 and 6);
  • by train: 500m from Luxembourg and Schuman train station.

It has access for people with reduced mobility.

Making an appointment

Would you like to know how to make an appointment with your cardiologist? You can check his or her availability online, on the page provided for this purpose. If you have any further questions, please contact the Eurocare Medical Center in Brussels by telephone or e-mail.

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